Main buttons
1- Left Punch (Square)
2- Right Punch (Triangle)
3- Left Kick (Cross)
4- Right Kick (Circle)
5- Tag button
any-any button (except Tag)
f- press Forward
F- hold Forward
b- press Back
B- hold Back
u- press Up
U- hold Up
d- press Down
D- hold Down
d/f- press at the same time Down and Forward
D/F- hold at the same time Down and Forward
d/b- press at the same time Down and Back
D/B- hold at the same time Down and Back
u/b- press at the same time Up and Back
U/B- hold at the same time Up and Back
u/f- press at the same time Up and Forward
U/F- hold at the same time Up and Forward
QCF- quarter of circle from Down to Forward (ie d,d/f,f)
QCB- quarter of circle from Down to Back (ie d,d/b,b)
HCF- half of circle from Back to Forward (ie b,d/b,d,d/f,f)
HCB- half of circle from Forward to Back (ie f,d/f,d,d/b,b)
n- or joystick in neutral position (do not press anything)
FC-full crouch position
WS-while standing up
WR-while running (from third step and more)
SS-side step either way
SSL-side step to left
SSR-side step to right
[ ]-optional command
,-followed by
~-fast pressing
+-at the same time
_-variants of pressing (either one or another)
<-delayed input
=-sequence of pressing (in multithrows)
*-(or °) press and hold button
:-very exact pressing (from 1 to 4 frames)
Grounded Positions
PLD-play dead position, face up and feet away (FUFA)
KND-knockdown position, face up and feet towards (FUFT)
SLD-slide position, face down and feet away (FDFA)
FCD-face down position, face down and feet towards (FDFT)
Move Properties
Tr!-Tornado. An extension of aerial combo in Tekken 8 (twisted reaction of an opponent which allows to continue the combo)
S!-Screw. Or K! (Kirimomi). Or T! or TS! (Tailspin). An extension of aerial combo in Tekken 7 (twisted reaction of an opponent which allows to continue the combo)
B!-Bound opponents feet from the ground, if it hits an airborne opponent
F!-cause destruction of insecure floor
W!-cause destruction of insecure wall
JG-juggle starter (aerial combo)
BN-high bounce of opponent from the ground
BT-back turned to opponent
FF-face forward towards opponent
OB-forces opponents back to face you (opponent turned back to face you)
OS-forces opponents side to face you (opponent turned side to face you)
OSL-forces opponents left side to face you (opponent turned left side to face you)
OSR-forces opponents right side to face you (opponent turned right side to face you)
OC-forces opponent into crouch
CH-requires a counter hit, ie your hitting of move must outpace
TT-throw on hit
TC-technically crouching state (the character is considered to be crouched, even if visually it's not)
TJ-technically jumping state (the character is considered to be in the air, even if visually it's not)
GB-guard break
HA-homing attack (targeting on 360 degrees)
Hit Ranges
h-high attack
m-mid attack
l-low attack
s-special mid attack
M-mid attack, can hit grounded opponents
L-low attack, can hit grounded opponents
!-unblockable attack
(!)-unblockable high attack
[!]-unblockable attack, can hit grounded opponents
CD-crouch dash (usually f,N,d,d/f)
NC-natural combo (if current hit successful then next hit cannot be blocked too)
sabaki-attack which can parry or reverse opponent's attack at very beginning
iWS-instant while standing (usually d,d/b,N or d,d/f,N)
iWR-instant while running (usually f~f~f or f~f~f~n)
WGF-Wind GodFist - f,N,d,d/f+2
EWGF-Electric Wind GodFist - f,N,d~d/f+2
PEWGF-Perfect Electric Wind GodFist - Kazuya f~n~d/f+2
ldEWGF-Light Dashed Electric Wind GodFist - f,f,N,d~d/f+2
TGF-Thunder GodFist - f,N,d,d/f+1
OTGF-Omen Thunder GodFist - Heihachi f:d/f+1
TA-tag assault - in TTT2, both characters attack opponent at the same time
SWY-Paul PhoenixSwayd,d/b,b
DSS-Marshall LawDragon Sign stanced+1+2
DFS-Marshall LawDragon Fake Stepb+1+2
CRA-Lei WulongArt of Craneu/f+3
SNA-Lei WulongArt of Snake1,1~F
TGR-Lei WulongArt of TigerSS+1~f
DGN-Lei WulongArt of DragonSS+1~d
PAN-Lei WulongArt of Pantherf+1+2~D
DRU-Lei WulongDrunken Masterf+3+4
PNX-Lei WulongArt of Phoenixb+1+4
CSNK-Lei WulongCoiled SnakeTGR 3~f
INS-YoshimitsuIndian Sitd+3+4
FLE-YoshimitsuFlea stanced+1+2
DGF-YoshimitsuDragonfly stanceu+1+2
KIN-YoshimitsuKinchou stance1+2
NSS-YoshimitsuNo Sword stance2+3
LFF-HwoarangLeft Foot Forwardn
RFF-HwoarangRight Foot Forward3+4
LFS-HwoarangLeft Flamingo stancef+3
RFS-HwoarangRight Flamingo stancef+4~N
AOP-Ling XiaoyuArt of Phoenixd+1+2
RDS-Ling XiaoyuRain Dance stanceBT
HYP-Ling XiaoyuHypnotistTk6 b+1+2; Tk8 d/b+1+2
HSP-Christie MonteiroHandstand positionf+1+2
RLX-Christie MonteiroRelaxed positiond+3+4
CDS-Jin KazamaCrouching Demon stanceb+1
ZEN-Jin KazamaZenshind+1+2
OMS-Jin KazamaOmen stanceTTT2 B+1+2~1~4
CES-Julia ChangClockwise Evasive Spin3+4
FWR-Julia Chang (Jaycee)Forward RollTTT2 f+3
SIT-Kuma/PandaSit Downd+3+4
HBS-Kuma/PandaHunting Bear stance3+4
ROL-Kuma/PandaProwling Grizzly RollFC,d/f+1+2
RJN-HeihachiRaijin stanceTk8 f+3+4
FJN-HeihachiFujin stanceTk8 d+1+2
HMS-Lee ChaolanHit Man stance3+4
ALB-Steve FoxAlbatross Spin3+4
DCK-Steve FoxDuckingf+(3_4)
PAB-Steve FoxPeekaboof+3+4
SWY-Steve FoxSwayb+(3_4)
LWV-Steve FoxLeft Weave3
RWV-Steve FoxRight Weave4
FLK-Steve FoxFlickerb+3+4
LHT-Steve FoxLion Heartu/b+3
VTS-Craig MardukVale Tudo stance3+4
SIT-Jack 3+Sit Downd+3+4
GMH-Jack 8+Gamma Howl3+4
ROC-Roger Jr.Rocket stanceb+1+2
AKS-Roger Jr.Animal Kick stanced/b+4
CJM-Anna WilliamsChaos Judgmentb+3
SIT-GanryuSit Downd+3+4
HPF-Asuka KazamaHaze Palm Fistf+1
LCT-Asuka KazamaLeg Cutterd/b+4
MTS-Bruce IrvinMuay Thai stance1,2,4
FLA-Baek Doo SanFlamingo stanceb+3
SDW-RavenShadow stanceb+3+4
HAZ-RavenHaze stance3+4
KNP-Feng WeiKenpo Stepb+3+4
STC-Feng WeiShifting Cloudsf+3+4
HSP-Eddy GordoHandstand positionf+1+2
RLX-Eddy GordoRelaxed positiond+3+4
BAL-BobSpinning Ballf+3+4
TRT-ZafinaTarantula stanced+1+2
MNT-ZafinaMantis stanced+3+4
SCR-ZafinaScarecrow stance3+4
SAV-Miguel Caballero RojoSavage stance3+4
KNK-Leo KliesenKinkei stanceb+3+4
BOK-Leo KliesenBokuho stanced+1+2
DEN-Lars AlexanderssonDynamic Entryf+3
SEN-Lars AlexanderssonSilent Entryd/b+2,F
LEN-Lars AlexanderssonLimited EntryTk8 1,4,D; Tk8 2,1; Tk8 3,D
DES-Alisa BosconovitchDestroy Formd+1+2
SBT-Alisa BosconovitchSingle Bootf+3+4
DBT-Alisa BosconovitchDual Bootd+1+2,f+3+4
IZU-Jun KazamaIzumoTTT2 f+1+2; Tk8 u+2
GEN-Jun KazamaGenjitsuTTT2 b+1+2; Tk8 f+3+4
MIA-Jun KazamaMiareTk8 b+1+2
MAD-Dr. BosconovitchMad Paind+4[hit]; b+1,2[hit]; WS+1,1[hit]
PND-Dr. BosconovitchPanic Doctorf+3+4; b+3+4
ZEN-Dr. BosconovitchThe Zend+3+4
MGS-ElizaMoon Glide Stancef+4
SNK-ShaheenStealth Stepd/f,d/f
SWS-JosieSwitch Stance1,2,4; 2,4; d/f+4; etc.
RSS-KazumiFearless Warriorf+3+4
CF0-LidiaCat Foot Stance ITk7 f+3+4
CFT-LidiaCat Foot Stance IITk7 b+3+4
TAW-LidiaPouncing Tiger, Stalking WolfTk7 b+3+4,f
WLF-LidiaStalking WolfTk8 f+3+4,f; Tk8 b+3+4,f
HAE-LidiaHeaven and EarthTk7 f+3+4,f; Tk8 f+3+4,u; Tk8 b+3+4,u
HRS-LidiaHorse StanceTk8 f+3+4
CAT-LidiaCat StanceTk8 b+3+4
IAI-VictorIai Stance3+4