1 | - | Left Punch (Square) |
2 | - | Right Punch (Triangle) |
3 | - | Left Kick (Cross) |
4 | - | Right Kick (Circle) |
5 | - | Tag button |
any | - | any button |
f | - | press Forward |
F | - | hold Forward |
b | - | press Back |
B | - | hold Back |
u | - | press Up |
U | - | hold Up |
d | - | press Down |
D | - | hold Down |
d/f | - | press at the same time Down and Forward |
D/F | - | hold at the same time Down and Forward |
d/b | - | press at the same time Down and Back |
D/B | - | hold at the same time Down and Back |
u/b | - | press at the same time Up and Back |
U/B | - | hold at the same time Up and Back |
u/f | - | press at the same time Up and Forward |
U/F | - | hold at the same time Up and Forward |
QCF | - | quarter of circle from Down to Forward |
QCB | - | quarter of circle from Down to Back |
HCF | - | half of circle from Back to Forward |
HCB | - | half of circle from Forward to Back |
n | - | or joystick in neutral position |
FC | - | full crouch position |
WS | - | while standing up |
WR | - | while running |
SS | - | side step either way |
SSL | - | side step to left |
SSR | - | side step to right |
[ ] | - | optional command |
, | - | followed by |
~ | - | fast pressing |
+ | - | at the same time |
_ | - | variants of pressing |
< | - | delayed input |
= | - | sequence of pressing |
* | - | (or °) press and hold button |
: | - | very exact pressing |
PLD | - | play dead position, |
KND | - | knockdown position, |
SLD | - | slide position, |
FCD | - | face down position, |
Tr! | - | Tornado. An extension of aerial combo in |
S! | - | Screw. Or K! (Kirimomi). Or T! or TS! (Tailspin). An extension of aerial combo in |
B! | - | Bound opponents feet from the ground, if it hits an airborne opponent |
F! | - | cause destruction of insecure floor |
W! | - | cause destruction of insecure wall |
JG | - | juggle starter (aerial combo) |
BN | - | high bounce of opponent from the ground |
BT | - | back turned to opponent |
FF | - | face forward towards opponent |
OB | - | forces opponents back to face you |
OS | - | forces opponents side to face you |
OSL | - | forces opponents left side to face you |
OSR | - | forces opponents right side to face you |
OC | - | forces opponent into crouch |
CH | - | requires a counter hit, |
TT | - | throw on hit |
TC | - | technically crouching state |
TJ | - | technically jumping state |
GB | - | guard break |
HA | - | homing attack (targeting on 360 degrees) |
h | - | high attack |
m | - | mid attack |
l | - | low attack |
s | - | special mid attack |
M | - | mid attack, can hit grounded opponents |
L | - | low attack, can hit grounded opponents |
! | - | unblockable attack |
(!) | - | unblockable high attack |
[!] | - | unblockable attack, |
CD | - | crouch dash (usually f,N,d,d/f) |
NC | - | natural combo |
sabaki | - | attack which can parry or reverse opponent's attack at very beginning |
iWS | - | instant while standing (usually d,d/b,N or d,d/f,N) |
iWR | - | instant while running (usually f~f~f or f~f~f~n) |
WGF | - | Wind GodFist - f,N,d,d/f+2 |
EWGF | - | Electric Wind GodFist - f,N,d~d/f+2 |
PEWGF | - | Perfect Electric Wind GodFist - Kazuya f~n~d/f+2 |
ldEWGF | - | Light Dashed Electric Wind GodFist - f,f,N,d~d/f+2 |
TGF | - | Thunder GodFist - f,N,d,d/f+1 |
OTGF | - | Omen Thunder GodFist - Heihachi f:d/f+1 |
TA | - | tag assault - in TTT2, |
SWY | - | Paul Phoenix | Sway | d,d/b,b |
DSS | - | Marshall Law | Dragon Sign stance | d+1+2 |
DFS | - | Marshall Law | Dragon Fake Step | b+1+2 |
CRA | - | Lei Wulong | Art of Crane | u/f+3 |
SNA | - | Lei Wulong | Art of Snake | 1,1~F |
TGR | - | Lei Wulong | Art of Tiger | SS+1~f |
DGN | - | Lei Wulong | Art of Dragon | SS+1~d |
PAN | - | Lei Wulong | Art of Panther | f+1+2~D |
DRU | - | Lei Wulong | Drunken Master | f+3+4 |
PNX | - | Lei Wulong | Art of Phoenix | b+1+4 |
CSNK | - | Lei Wulong | Coiled Snake | TGR 3~f |
INS | - | Yoshimitsu | Indian Sit | d+3+4 |
FLE | - | Yoshimitsu | Flea stance | d+1+2 |
DGF | - | Yoshimitsu | Dragonfly stance | u+1+2 |
MED | - | Yoshimitsu | Meditation | 3+4 |
KIN | - | Yoshimitsu | Kinchou stance | 1+2 |
NSS | - | Yoshimitsu | No Sword stance | 2+3 |
LFF | - | Hwoarang | Left Foot Forward | n |
RFF | - | Hwoarang | Right Foot Forward | 3+4 |
LFS | - | Hwoarang | Left Flamingo stance | f+3 |
RFS | - | Hwoarang | Right Flamingo stance | f+4~N |
AOP | - | Ling Xiaoyu | Art of Phoenix | d+1+2 |
RDS | - | Ling Xiaoyu | Rain Dance stance | BT |
HYP | - | Ling Xiaoyu | Hypnotist | Tk6 b+1+2; Tk8 d/b+1+2 |
HSP | - | Christie Monteiro | Handstand position | f+1+2 |
RLX | - | Christie Monteiro | Relaxed position | d+3+4 |
CDS | - | Jin Kazama | Crouching Demon stance | b+1 |
ZEN | - | Jin Kazama | Zenshin | d+1+2 |
OMS | - | Jin Kazama | Omen stance | TTT2 B+1+2~1~4 |
CES | - | Julia Chang | Clockwise Evasive Spin | 3+4 |
FWR | - | Julia Chang (Jaycee) | Forward Roll | TTT2 f+3 |
SIT | - | Kuma/Panda | Sit Down | d+3+4 |
HBS | - | Kuma/Panda | Hunting Bear stance | 3+4 |
ROL | - | Kuma/Panda | Prowling Grizzly Roll | FC,d/f+1+2 |
RJN | - | Heihachi | Raijin stance | Tk8 f+3+4 |
FJN | - | Heihachi | Fujin stance | Tk8 d+1+2 |
HMS | - | Lee Chaolan | Hit Man stance | 3+4 |
ALB | - | Steve Fox | Albatross Spin | 3+4 |
DCK | - | Steve Fox | Ducking | f+(3_4) |
PAB | - | Steve Fox | Peekaboo | f+3+4 |
SWY | - | Steve Fox | Sway | b+(3_4) |
LWV | - | Steve Fox | Left Weave | 3 |
RWV | - | Steve Fox | Right Weave | 4 |
FLK | - | Steve Fox | Flicker | b+3+4 |
LHT | - | Steve Fox | Lion Heart | u/b+3 |
VTS | - | Craig Marduk | Vale Tudo stance | 3+4 |
SIT | - | Jack 3+ | Sit Down | d+3+4 |
GMH | - | Jack 8+ | Gamma Howl | 3+4 |
ROC | - | Roger Jr. | Rocket stance | b+1+2 |
AKS | - | Roger Jr. | Animal Kick stance | d/b+4 |
CJM | - | Anna Williams | Chaos Judgment | b+3 |
TCH | - | Ganryu | Tachiai | 3+4 |
SIT | - | Ganryu | Sit Down | d+3+4 |
HPF | - | Asuka Kazama | Haze Palm Fist | f+1 |
LCT | - | Asuka Kazama | Leg Cutter | d/b+4 |
MTS | - | Bruce Irvin | Muay Thai stance | 1,2,4 |
FLA | - | Baek Doo San | Flamingo stance | b+3 |
SDW | - | Raven | Shadow stance | b+3+4 |
HAZ | - | Raven | Haze stance | 3+4 |
KNP | - | Feng Wei | Kenpo Step | b+3+4 |
STC | - | Feng Wei | Shifting Clouds | f+3+4 |
HSP | - | Eddy Gordo | Handstand position | f+1+2 |
RLX | - | Eddy Gordo | Relaxed position | d+3+4 |
BAL | - | Bob | Spinning Ball | f+3+4 |
TRT | - | Zafina | Tarantula stance | d+1+2 |
MNT | - | Zafina | Mantis stance | d+3+4 |
SCR | - | Zafina | Scarecrow stance | 3+4 |
SAV | - | Miguel Caballero Rojo | Savage stance | 3+4 |
KNK | - | Leo Kliesen | Kinkei stance | b+3+4 |
BOK | - | Leo Kliesen | Bokuho stance | d+1+2 |
DEN | - | Lars Alexandersson | Dynamic Entry | f+3 |
SEN | - | Lars Alexandersson | Silent Entry | d/b+2,F |
LEN | - | Lars Alexandersson | Limited Entry | Tk8 1,4,D; Tk8 2,1; Tk8 3,D |
DES | - | Alisa Bosconovitch | Destroy Form | d+1+2 |
SBT | - | Alisa Bosconovitch | Single Boot | f+3+4 |
DBT | - | Alisa Bosconovitch | Dual Boot | d+1+2,f+3+4 |
IZU | - | Jun Kazama | Izumo | TTT2 f+1+2; Tk8 u+2 |
GEN | - | Jun Kazama | Genjitsu | TTT2 b+1+2; Tk8 f+3+4 |
MIA | - | Jun Kazama | Miare | Tk8 b+1+2 |
KAT | - | Kunimitsu | Katon | 1+2 |
SET | - | Kunimitsu | Setsunagake | f+3 |
MAD | - | Dr. Bosconovitch | Mad Pain | d+4[hit]; b+1,2[hit]; WS+1,1[hit] |
PND | - | Dr. Bosconovitch | Panic Doctor | f+3+4; b+3+4 |
ZEN | - | Dr. Bosconovitch | The Zen | d+3+4 |
MGS | - | Eliza | Moon Glide Stance | f+4 |
HAR | - | Katarina | Harrier | f+4 |
SNK | - | Shaheen | Stealth Step | d/f,d/f |
SWS | - | Josie | Switch Stance | 1,2,4; 2,4; d/f+4; etc. |
GOL | - | Gigas | Golem | d/b+3+4 |
RSS | - | Kazumi | Fearless Warrior | f+3+4 |
INT | - | Negan | Intimidation | 3+4 |
HRM | - | Leroy | Hermit | 3+4 |
CF0 | - | Lidia | Cat Foot Stance I | Tk7 f+3+4 |
CFT | - | Lidia | Cat Foot Stance II | Tk7 b+3+4 |
TAW | - | Lidia | Pouncing Tiger, Stalking Wolf | Tk7 b+3+4,f |
WLF | - | Lidia | Stalking Wolf | Tk8 f+3+4,f; Tk8 b+3+4,f |
HAE | - | Lidia | Heaven and Earth | Tk7 f+3+4,f; Tk8 f+3+4,u; Tk8 b+3+4,u |
HRS | - | Lidia | Horse Stance | Tk8 f+3+4 |
CAT | - | Lidia | Cat Stance | Tk8 b+3+4 |
IAI | - | Victor | Iai Stance | 3+4 |
PER | - | Victor | Perfumer | f+3 |